Easter at EBC!

Happy Easter,

How is your spring going?  Praise the Lord we are experiencing outstanding weather!  Spring is a great season for God to bring spiritual renewal and fresh hope to our lives! Why is spring so significant?  During the spring season, we celebrate the greatest event in our Christian faith: the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Because Jesus lives we can face tomorrow with hope and spend forever in heaven with Him one day.

Easter Sunday is coming at EBC and it’s going to be exciting!  We are having two Sunday morning worship services on April 16th: 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.!  (There will be no Sunday school or evening service on this day.)  You can visit our website here!

How can you help make Easter better than last year? Accept the Easter challenge and…

Decide to be present!  Be sure to worship at EBC this Easter.  You can have the family dinner at your house and invite and bring your family with you on Easter Sunday.

Pray for God to work!  Pray that your heart will be open to follow Jesus more than ever before and that God will use you to bless others on Easter.  Pray that guests will worship with us during both services: 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.!  And pray specifically that God will bring those without Jesus and that they will respond to the Gospel message and be saved, baptized, and added to the EBC family!

Bring someone! Use our invite tools to invite and bring guests with you!  People are more open to come to church on Easter Sunday than any other time of the year.

Give an Easter offering.  We have the opportunity to give an Easter offering each year, above our tithes and regular giving, to help grow a specific ministry of the church. Our Easter offering will help purchase a new projector to enhance our media and music ministry!  Your Easter envelope is enclosed!

Special Instructions: Help make Easter great participating in Operation Move-up!  Help us provide the best seating for guests by keeping the back row of seats open and simply moving up one row.  Let’s be ready to help others find a seat if need be.  You can also park in the grass to help save the best spots for our guests.

Expect Great Things!  Expect God to work in your life and in the life of your family!  Maybe that family member or friend will come to church with you on Easter!  It’s possible!  You do your part and God will do His!  God can also use you to bless someone else on Easter Sunday!  Let’s extend a warm welcome to our guests, and church family, and purpose to share the love of Jesus and God will do something awesome!

Looking forward to seeing you and your family on Easter!

Pastor Mike

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