Category Archives: ministry

Fall Preacher’s Post

Wow what a summer!  How did your summer go?  Like ours, I am sure you had some ups and downs—some challenges and victories you enjoyed as well!  Praise God fall is officially here—at least on the calendar! And as we head into the fall season here are some exciting things to both celebrate and participate in as we live out our faith as the EBC family!

What’s been happening at EBC?

Our VBS Summer Event—Operation Arctic:  God blessed us with an awesome VBS and VBS Sunday celebration in July!  Thank you everyone who dedicated their lives, and time, and love to minister to our kids!

Our Awana Kids Ministry Launched in August: our Awana ministry launch was a great success!  Thank you to our children’s leaders and workers for investing in our kids!  Awana kid’s ministry happens on Wednesday nights from 6:45 – 8:15 p.m. 

Our Kids Summer Musical: It was AWESOME to see our kids sing unto the Lord during the Unselfie musical, on September 24th! All of our kids sang out, both the younger and older ones! Thank you to the leaders who worked with the kids! It was such a blessing!

Our Senior Ladies Bible Study met this past Wednesday, October 25th: Our senior ladies gathered and enjoyed a sweet time of study, fellowship, and lunch!

We had a Men’s Restart Activity:  Our men met this past Friday, September 29th, for food, fellowship and solid bible teaching!  Twenty men gathered as Dr. Shoemaker taught the Word.  Brother Bobby Ray gave a testimony as well.  Overall it encouraged and strengthened the faith of the men of EBC!

We welcomed 2 newborns to the EBC family:  The Blizzard family welcomed baby girl Sadie and the Francis family welcomed baby boy Oliver!  We praise God for blessing them with healthy babies!

Our Sunday morning services can be viewed through livestream!  Now that our livestream has been set up our Sunday morning services can be viewed live on Facebook.  Just click on the banner on our Facebook page or our website.  Livestream is an opportunity for those who are out of town, sick, immobile, or otherwise hindered to watch our services live online.  It is also a great evangelistic opportunity!  Others can also view the service online who may not know Jesus as Savior or have a home church.  A recorded video of the preaching during the service will also be available to view on our website, our Facebook page, and our YouTube channel, in case you miss the livestream.  We are praying that this new online option will bless our church family and reach others as well! Visit our website, and click on the media menu to learn more.

What’s happening next at EBC?

2017 Stewardship Sundays! Our 2017 Stewardship Sundays begin this Sunday, October 1st!  Each Sunday and Wednesday we will receive practical Bible teaching and preaching that will empower us to steward and manage all we are and have been given by God in our homes and here at EBC!

This past Sunday Dr. Charles Shoemaker preached the Word, inspiring us to be faithful to our commitments to Jesus and our church. Visit our website for the full schedule.

Fall Ladies Night Out: Ladies, save the date!  A fun ladies night out event is coming on October 20th!  More information coming soon!

Fall Festival—November 4th! We will be having our fall festival on Saturday, November 4th at 5 p.m. at the church.  There will be games, good food, and plenty of fun! Please sign up to bring food, help with set-up, and games at the back table at the church! 

Baskets of Blessing–October 29th through November 12th! Hey EBC family and friends! Let me invite you to help fill our baskets of blessing.  This fall we will put Thanksgiving baskets together filled with non-perishable food items so we can bless other families with the love of Christ!  Just bring in your non-perishable food items and place them on the table in the fellowship hall.  November 12th will be the last Sunday to bring in your items. 

Friend Day—November 5th! On November 5th at 11:00 a.m. we will have Friend Day—a day where everyone is encouraged to bring at least one person to church with them.  Who do you know that needs Jesus, a church home, or both? Be a friend and bring a friend, on Friend Day! We will not have Sunday school on this day. 

Praise Service and Pie Fellowship–November 19th! We will be having our Thanksgiving praise service on Sunday, November 19th at 6:00 p.m.  Following the service, we will also have a pie fellowship.  Come and bring your favorite pie to share as we praise our great God and enjoy some great pie!  There will be no midweek service on Wednesday, November 22th. 

How can I be Committed this fall season at EBC?

Fall is here!  Let me encourage you to be committed church members as you follow Jesus with devotion this fall season! Be present at the services, attend the exciting services and activities, and be ready to take steps in your devotion to Jesus and the church.

Blessings to you,

Pastor Mike

EBC Easter Flashback!

Hello EBC Family & Friends,

How was your Easter?  Can you believe that it is over and behind us?  That doesn’t mean we can’t take a moment to celebrate what God did on Easter and what He plans to do in our lives in the future as we follow Him!

So what happened on Easter Sunday at EBC?

Our church family served with both unity of spirit and anticipation to see God work!   All of the prayer, sacrifice, and your sweet and hopeful spirit made Easter Sunday special!

God blessed us with guest families!  We are grateful for the new families God brought to our church on Easter.  They said they received the post card invite and wanted to come and see what we were all about! They did! I am glad that our invite efforts were successful.  Let’s pray that they return this week!

The Holy Spirit of God worked in and through both the 9 & 11 a.m. services!  The music and the message were both encouraging and challenging as we gave witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Both services went smooth as well.

The refreshments between the services for our ministry teams were delicious!  Our fellowship was uplifting as well! All those serving during the services received a needed boost.  Thank you to all who helped with the food and refreshments!

Our attendance was solid!  We had a total attendance of 290, with returning guests and new families as well!

Our Easter offering total: So far, we have received close to $1500 for our Easter offering!  Your offering will help to purchase a new projector and enhance our overall worship experience at EBC!  If you have not yet given your Easter offering you can give your offering this Sunday or online!  Click here to give.

A special thank you: Thank you for all those who decided to serve on a ministry team on Easter Sunday!  Our welcome team, with all our ushers, greeters, and parking lot workers, our music leaders and singers, nursery and children’s church workers all served Jesus and EBC well!  Thank you!

What’s happening next at EBC?

We are so grateful to God for how He worked in and through us on Easter Sunday!  We are looking ahead, however, to see where God is leading us and to what He desires to do in the future at EBC!

Wednesday Adult Bible Study at 7:00 p.m:  Tonight, Dr. Shoemaker finishes his study, Spiritual Warfare, with the practical lesson called, “A Strategy for Victory!”  Come and bring your kids as we have AWANA kids ministry at 6:45 p.m. and teen ministry at 7:00 p.m. and acquire the Biblical tools you need to win during spiritual warfare.

New Sunday Morning Sermon Series, “Purpose Driven Family”!  On Sunday, April 23rd, at 11:00 a.m. we begin a new sermon series at EBC!  We will see how the right purpose, built on a solid foundation of Jesus, His Word, and healthy relationships, will help our families live out God’s purposes and thrive!  This Sunday, Dr. Shoemaker launches this new series with the message called, “Managing conflict in marriage!”  Come and see how to deal with and resolve family conflict the Bible way!

There is so much to celebrate and be engaged in at EBC!  Click here to visit our website.  Hope to see you soon!

Pastor Mike

P.S. Have you been blessed by the ministries of EBC lately?  Click on “Leave a comment” to share your experience!

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Fall Is Here! And it’s gonna be exciting!

Did you enjoy your summer? Ours went great with some unexpected earth shattering news that comes in twos. Emily (my sweet wife) is pregnant with identical twins! Here’s a pic of Emily’s first sonogram–many more to go!  Ramondetta twinsOh…my…Word! We are truly grateful to God–kids are a heritage and reward from the Lord! All is great so far–please pray:) We are also thankful for our sweet church family (Emmanuel Baptist Church)! Your warm support and love we received this past Sunday was much appreciated!

What’s Happening this Fall at EBC?

Jonah is… Running from God—Sundays at 11 a.m.

This past Sunday we started a new Sunday morning sermon series out the Old Testament book of Jonah called “Jonah is…running from God. As we ended Jonah chapter one, Jonah is in the belly of the great fish! This week we will dive into chapter two and see how we can run to God instead of running away from God!

5th Sunday Fellowship—August 31st

After our 6 p.m. evening service, on August 31st , we will have a time of food and fellowship at Firehouse Subs. This is a great way to connect with others, build relationships, and eat some great food.

Revelation Revealed—Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Be a part of our Wednesday night ministry at 7 p.m.! Dr. Charles Shoemaker will be leading our adult Bible study for the next 4 weeks with a great study from the book of Revelation!  The Resistance teen ministry (grades 7-12) and the Kids Zone kid’s ministry (K4-6th grade) also meet on Wednesday at 7 p.m. We have a loving nursery for children 0-3 years of age as well.

Teen Orlando Trip—September 5th & 6th

Thank you to all those who contributed to the Resistance youth fund raiser. They will be going to Disney’s Night of Joy on September 5th and 6th. Please pray for safety and that God will work in each heart.

Grandparents Day—September 7th

Be sure to tell your grandparents how much you love and appreciate them and bring them to church on this special day! There will be no Sunday evening service. We invite you to spend this time with family.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast—September 13th

The Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be Saturday, September 13th at 8:30 a.m. at Hardees. We will meet for a time of fellowship and prayer.

Communion—September 21st

We will be remembering the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross and His glorious resurrection during our communion service. Prepare your hearts and plan to attend, on September 21st at 6pm.

2014 Stewardship Sundays Begin October 5th

God richly blessed our Stewardship Sundays last year and I’m real excited about this year! Our Stewardship Sundays will be during the entire month of October: the 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th. Our theme will be “Giving My Best!” Each stewardship Sunday we will have a joint Sunday school class at 10 a.m. (teens and adults) and Sunday worship services at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Each time we meet together we will be inspired to give our best to God right here at Emmanuel Baptist Church.

God has been so faithful to us throughout this year! We praise Him for working and look forward with great anticipation for what he will do during our fall season at EBC! The good news is that you can participate and help make it the best fall season ever. Join me in taking steps to a closer devotion to Jesus and commitment as a church family member here at EBC. Let’s be faithful to pray, attend the services, serve, tithe and give, love one another, and do our part to help our church grow together!

I am looking forward to what God will do in you and me this fall!

Are you excited about the fall season?  Has God been working in your heart and life at EBC?  Let me know by leaving a comment!

EBC News Update!

Are you ready for a new season?  We are getting close to entering the summer season and I know you are ready for a break.  Right?  All the hustle and bustle of the school year, and the relentless work schedule, and the changes in weather from moderate to hot, can bring us joy and challenge as well!

With all that new seasons bring, let’s praise God for what He has done and get involved with what will be happening next here at EBC!

We had a great Sunday!

God blessed our Sunday morning and evening services!  The music was a blessing and the message sure stirred our hearts to be blessed from Psalm 1!  So, will your life be blessed?

The graduation service was a blessing, too.  I believe they are ready to follow Jesus wherever He may lead them!  The fellowship, short message, and food was a hit.  Thank you to all the ladies who helped!

Can you help?

During the months of June and July we will be doing some recruiting of workers and teachers for our Children’s Church ministry.  Do you have a love for Jesus and for children?  Why not sign up to teach children’s church on Sunday mornings from 11:15-12:00 noon?  We are putting a monthly teacher’s rotation together now and will be having some brief training to explain all the details and what is expected.  Please contact the church office if you are interested in helping!

What About VBS?

Would you like to help with VBS this summer?  We are planning the details of vacation Bible school and would like your help.  We need a lady or 2 to organize and lead VBS this summer.  If you are interested in organizing and leading VBS or would like to serve in any way please contact the church office or Pastor Mike by June 18th.  We will be having a brief meeting coming up soon for all those who are interested in helping with VBS.

Volleyball Begins—June 10th

Volleyball season begins at 6:30 p.m. on June 10th! Games will be played Tuesdays and Fridays between 7 & 10 p.m. at the city volleyball courts.

Volleyball Kick Off Party—June 11th

We will have a combined service Wednesday night, June 11th at 7 p.m. There will be a short devotional, a pizza dinner, and volleyball. Please bring a drink and a dessert to share!

Keep praying, coming, worshipping, serving, tithing, and loving one another.  God will help us grow together if each one of us consistently does our part!

Have a wonderful week,

Pastor Mike

How have you been blessed recently at EBC?  Just leave a comment and share your experience!

Out of Sight, but in the Mind!

It’s been said “Out of sight, out of mind!”  How true that is with so many things and even relationships we have.  We had a great Missions Conference last year.  We had a missions emphasis, and had supporting missionaries visit with us, and even connected with some of them via Skype. Awesome—right?  Sure, but what about last week and today?  Are we not just being faithful to give our missions offerings, but also praying for our missionaries as well?

Praying for our missionaries is one of the ways we can grow together outward!  Our desire is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with new families, see them receive Jesus as Savior, follow Him, and join themselves to our church family!  Our missionaries have the same goals in mind so let’s keep them in prayer.

Take a few minutes and click on this link and give it  a read.  It gives some good pointers of how to really pray for our missionaries, keeping them in our minds and hearts even though they may be out of sight!

What has helped you to keep our supporting missionaries in your hearts and minds?

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EBC Vision Flashback!

Vision…what are you still seeing?

Earlier this year in February we had an important church meeting. It was a typical business meeting. It was fine. There were no issues or problems. No one made a protest or charged the pulpit. One thing that did happen is that our vision for the future was clearly shared. I reminded us that our vision is to see EBC become a church of ministry teams—one team per ministry.

It’s the same vision I have been casting, sharing, teaching, and preaching since February 2010.  I define a ministry team as a group of believers in Jesus who are like-minded, unified in purpose, mission, and vision and are advancing! As I reminded us of the vision I challenged each one of us to examine our own lives and walks with God and be willing to take the next step to help our vision be realized. Have you taken your next step? 

What is vision anyway?

Vision is an essential element of a person’s life, family, and it’s especially vital in a local church! Vision is a seeing word. Author Aubrey Malphur’s defines vision as: the clear and challenging picture of the future of our church as it can and must be. Vision is possible and vision is also urgent—it must be! In order for our church to not just survive but thrive in Christ we must have a vision. Proverbs says that without vision the people perish. I believe the opposite is also true: a church—group of believers in Christ WITH a vision can flourish! A church with a great commission Christ centered vision will flourish and become all that God wants them to be and do all that God wants them to do in their community and beyond! When we as an individual member-we who make up the church-get on board our vision becomes real!

Where does a vision come from?

Vision is the picture of the future of what our church will become! The pastor and people who are serious about knowing and fulfilling God’s will for them in their community and beyond is ready to receive a God sized vision! After much prayer and worship and even some fasting God revealed to me the vision. Now a vision is not just something exciting and needful for the church to accomplish. Vision is specific! God will show us specific things, whether they are goals or objectives that must be done so our church can accomplish its mission best. Now let me say that our mission is the same as what all Bible believing Christ following churches should be pursuing: help people become growing healthy disciples of Christ and fully engaged members of the church body. My responsibility as the pastor is to lead our church in fulfilling our mission! As cool and needful as a vision is there is no way that I can fulfill the vision and mission of our church alone.  That’s where each person at EBC comes in. Catch it! Communicate it! And help us fulfill it!

What is our vision?

Our vision is to improve the quality of ministry by building a church of ministry teams! That was it—team ministry! There is no I in team! The pastor cannot do it alone! Together we can do it! Philippians 1:27 says, “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.”

On February 13th 2010 I casted the vision to our church! Our business meeting turned into a vision night service! God really worked, blessed, and I believed moved in our hearts. Since that day I have continued to cast that vision, reminding specifically our men, and then every member and attendee, leading them to pray and help fulfill and spread our vision. Have you prayed about your part in fulfilling the mission and vision of our church?

How is our vision becoming a reality?

Now it’s great to have received a vision from God and His Word! It is very exciting to cast that vision to the people. But there is nothing like it when God’s people start catching the vision and you actually see the vision becoming a reality in the church! Right now God is allowing our church to build some ministry teams. So far we are developing a:

  • Leadership team
  • Music and media team
  • Outreach team
  • Hospitality team
  • Youth team
  • Maintenance team (Men of Acts)
  • Kids Team
  • More to come!

Now these teams are still forming and developing. Each one still needs work and more team members! But God is putting them together! The good news is that God has just started building these ministry teams and you can join one!

How can I get involved?

I am glad for the members of Emmanuel Baptist church who have agreed to serve Jesus on a ministry team! The good news is that there is an opening for you to be on a ministry team too. Are you on a ministry team? What areas of interest and experience do you have? What are you passionate about?  How has God gifted you to help us fulfill our mission of making disciples of Christ at EBC? Just let me know you are interested in serving on a team and I’ll help you get plugged in. The future of EBC can be bright and filled with God’s hand of blessing. But for that to happen we need to ask God to open our hearts and take a step toward Him! Our vision will become a reality only if our church members and attendees catch the vision and get active and involved and become a part of the “team!”

Since your arrival at EBC how has God used you to help us fulfill our mission and vision? Do you understand what our mission and vision is?  Will you take your next step towards being an active disciple of Christ and member of EBC?  If you’re a member of another church how has God used you or your church to form ministry teams to fulfill the mission and vision of the church?

Start the conversation by leaving your comments!


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EBC Weekly Recap!

Well God has been blessing and working in and through the believers in Christ at EBC! Here’s a quick recap about what went on recently:

  • Started a New Sunday morning sermon series from the Gospel of John! God gave Liberty and worked through the message from John 8, “Jesus is the One who forgives.” Thank God for that!
  • Had a great Kids Team meeting Sunday night!  Great group of ministry volunteers. We all are excited about having our summer VBS! Looking for Jesus to work through us and help us reach new kids and families with the Gospel.
  • Had special prayer for one our teens, Ethan Wilkerson as he is preparing to go on a mission’s trip to Honduras! (Thank you for your prayers and for giving in the love offering on Sunday. All of his expenses will be paid for! Thanks for showing the love of Christ.)

That’s just a week in the life of EBC.

How is God working in your life here at EBC or at your home church? Join the conversation by leaving your comment!

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Go Team!

Our vision for EBC is to see our church become a church of ministry teams:  one team per ministry!  We can always function better, healthier, and accomplish more for Jesus when we all have the same mind and work together.  EBC saw this happen in a great way this past Sunday!  A quality Christ honoring worship service does not happen by mistake or by the efforts of one person. Our worship leader, fell sick suddenly on Saturday night.  Our lead sound and media people, and their backups were unavailable.  So I did what a good pastor does–I prayed!  With the regular worship team out and their backups unavailable God helped me put together a team.  I asked my wife Emily to run the media, Tim McKinnon to run the sound, and miss Hannah Wilkerson to play the piano and I led our worship.  God really blessed.  As we sought to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth everything came together well, Christ was glorified, and the church was edified!  I thank the Lord for willing members of EBC who are willing to step out and up to serve with me.  Thank you guys!  Go Team!

Together we can do it!

How has God used you at EBC or your home church to serve on a ministry team?  How do you feel about being a part of something great?  Start the conversation by leaving your comment!

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Vision Flashback!


Vision…what do we see?

Earlier this year in February we had an important meeting.  It was a typical business meeting.  It was fine.  There were no issues or problems.  No one made a protest or charged the pulpit.  One thing that did happen is that our vision for the future was clearly shared.  I reminded us that our vision is to see EBC become a church of ministry teams—one team per ministry.

I define a ministry team as a group of believers in Jesus who are like-minded, unified in purpose, mission, and vision and are advancing!   As I reminded us of the vision I challenged each one of us to examine our own lives and walks with God and be willing to take the next step!

Last post I shared step one!

Step 1: Unify in Purpose

Who is EBC about?  We are to be about Jesus and His great Gospel!  We are to be about making Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior glorious in all we say and do!  This means as we gather and worship and serve we communicate our love and appreciation for who Jesus is and what he has done for us.   And when that happens He is pleased and His presence is known! He appears! He manifests Himself to us in His power and glory!  Souls are saved and saints grow in Him!

Step 2: Be active in Mission!

What is EBC supposed to be doing? Paul told the church in Philippians 1:27 that as we gather to worship Jesus we are to Strive together for the faith of the Gospel! To strive together means that we work hard at the same time with one another to accomplish His work!  What’s that work?  The work of the ministry is the faith of the Gospel!  It’s everything that’s involved in helping more people know Jesus and make Him known!  It means that we with a like mind and single focus believe the Gospel, live the Gospel, and then share the Gospel with others.

We need to take an honest look and ask, “What are we doing to help more people hear the Gospel and come to Christ  in our community?”  God wants us to come together as a team and put forth hard effort to help more people know Jesus as their Savior and grow and mature in Him! 

Step 3: Get in the game!

As I preached the word and reminded us of our vision of striving together for the faith of the Gospel I left us with one final step!  I asked us this question, “What will be your next step to help us fulfill our purpose, mission, and vision?”  To all those who call EBC their church home, their faith family, the place where they worship Jesus, what is your next step?  Maybe it’s to attend the worship services more regularly, receive Jesus as Savior, get baptized, or maybe even become a member of our church family.  Whatever your next step is be sure to take that step in faith.  And why not let me know or a church leader know about your next step.  If you have any questions I would love to talk with you and pray with you about your next step!  As we grow closer to Jesus and His Word He will show us the “next steps” to take.

Ready to take your next step at EBC?  Why not leave a comment and share how God has led you or is leading you to take your next step.


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EBC’s Next Steps!

Vision…what do we see?

Well we gathered together–the saints of EBC that is this past Sunday night for our annual business meeting.  God blessed as we took a look at where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going. I reminded us of the vision that was cast just a year ago: Improve the quality of ministry by building a church of ministry teams.  I also shared some key facts about our vision and answered a key question: has our vision become a reality?  The great news is that it’s happening!  Vision takes time and effort from everyone in order to become fully realized.  Although we still have a ways to go God and the faithful active and responsible members of EBC have helped put our vision into motion! So I say thank you! 

We took a look back at the 2011 highlights, noting the health and growth God has given to EBC this past year!  Specifically I shared with joy the ministry teams God has helped us put together:

–        Leadership team (Me & the deacons)

–        Youth Team (A.K.A. The Resistance)

–        Praise Team

–        Sound & Media team

–        Kids team

–        Maintenance team (A.K.A Men of Acts)

–        Hospitality Team (A.K.A Bread breakers)

–        Administration team

–        Outreach team

–        Usher & greeter team

I define a ministry team as a group of believers in Jesus who are unified in purpose, mission, and vision and are advancing! I shared with the church that each team is in the beginning stages. We have brought people together who have the desire and giftedness to help bless the church in a particular ministry as we seek to help more people know Jesus and make Him known! The good news is we are advancing! We are making progress! But now it’s time to take our teams to the next level and encourage them to take the next step!

Step 1: Unify in Purpose                                                                                                             

According to Romans 15:5-7 I reminded us of what the purpose is. What is the Purpose of the Church?  Why does this church exist? Our Purpose as a church is to Glorify God! That means we purpose to make Jesus glorious!  With a thankful and sincere heart, we express with our actions, attitudes, and words that we know Jesus and love Jesus and that He is #1!  We make Him look good, be the center of attention, be who we think about, talk about praise, worship, and serve!  A team or a church will not be healthy or effective if it is not unified in purpose.

When we unify in purpose as a called out body of Christ we will receive one another in the body the same way God the Father received us by Christ!  If God can receive us with the great gap between heaven and earth, sinner and perfection, with serious differences than we can and should accept one another in the church and be unified no matter our differences or backgrounds.

The best thing that happens when we unify in purpose is that we make Jesus glorious!  We show forth His praise and attributes. And when that happens He is pleased and His presence is known!  He appears!  He manifests Himself to us in His power and glory! We so need His presence and power as we seek to fulfill our vision.

More steps to come.  How is God leading you now to help EBC with this important “Next Step” (Unifying in purpose) so we can fulfill the vision He has revealed to us?


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